Register Your New Business Online
Before you begin -
This online application is for registering businesses that do not already have a Nebraska Tax ID Number, not for adding additional tax programs by businesses that are already registered for one or more tax programs in Nebraska. If you need to add sales and use tax collection to your existing Nebraska ID Number you will need to submit a Form 20, Nebraska Tax Application to the Nebraska Department of Revenue by mail or fax.
First-time users must begin at "Create user account."
When you click the button at the bottom of this page, the Centurion login page will be displayed. If you have not already established a user name and password, begin by entering your valid email address in "Create user account," and then click "Register New Account."
What you will need:
- If you have not previously created a user account for this application process, you will need a valid email address to register.
- Your federal employer ID, if required;
- Social Security numbers, names, addresses, and titles of each owner, partner, member, or corporate officer; and
- A signed
Power of Attorney, Form 33, if applicable.
Browser requirements:
- Google Chrome Version 30 or higher;
- Mozilla Firefox Version 27 or higher;
- Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 11 or higher;
- Microsoft Edge – any; or
- Opera Version 12.18 or higher.
Eligible tax programs:
- Sales and Use Tax;
- Income Tax Withholding;
- Business Income Tax (corporation, partnership, fiduciary, or financial institution); and/or
- Miscellaneous Taxes, including —
- Litter Fee;
- Lodging Tax;
- Prepaid Wireless Surcharge;
- Severance and Conservation; and
- Tire Fee.
Important Information:
- As a business owner, you may have a collection responsibility in other states. After South Dakota v. Wayfair, if you are making sales of property or services into other states, you may have an obligation to collect and remit those states’ sales taxes. If you are licensed to collect and remit tax in Nebraska, you should continue doing so. You can obtain information on the licensing requirements for other states at: You can register with 23 other states using the Streamlined Sales Tax Registration System (SSTRS) registration form, which is available at: Have more questions? Visit our Online Sales and Use Tax Filing FAQs.