Federal/State Online E-file Software
Below are links to various websites where you can file your federal and state income tax returns. All of these will allow you to file your federal return. Some of these, however, require you to file your federal return, while others allow a state-only filing.
Personal software available on CD used for filing your federal and state returns can also be purchased at retail outlets. If you prefer to have your tax preparation software reside on your personal computer, be sure that the software supports Nebraska returns before you purchase it.
MyFree Taxes Online
MyFreeTaxes provides 100% free federal and state tax return preparation and e-file with some limitations for supported credits and adjustments in 2024. Self-file includes free telephone, email, and online chat support. MyFreeTaxes is a partnership between Goodwill Industries International, National Disability Institute, and United Way. File federal and state returns at www.unitedway.org/our-impact/financial-security/my-free-taxes.
The IRS's Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) and Tax Counseling for the Elderly (TCE) programs offer free basic tax return preparation to qualified individuals. The VITA program has operated for over 50 years. VITA sites offer free tax help to people who need assistance in preparing their own tax returns, including: People who generally make $67,000 or less; Persons with disabilities; and Limited English-speaking taxpayers. To locate the nearest VITA or TCE site near you, use the VITA Locator Tool. If you made less than $67, 000 in 2024, VITA may prepare your 2024 taxes for free, please schedule your VITA appointment, here.
Approved Commercial Online E-file Software for Tax Year 2024
Products listed below are in alphabetical order. The Nebraska Department of Revenue does not endorse any software, recommend one software product over another, or monitor software products for continuous availability and state support. It is possible that, even if the software is approved, the product or company may not be ready to support filing Nebraska returns. If you encounter any problems with product availability or state support, contact the software company, or choose another product.
Software Limitations
Does not support:
- Electronic Funds Withdrawals (EFW) Estimated Payments
- Unlinked Submissions
Support/Help Desk
For support: 1040.com/contact-us
Computer Requirements
Any computer, tablet or smartphone with internet access, web browser and PDF viewer. For computers, Adobe Reader can be downloaded for free from http://get.adobe.com/reader/.
Software Limitations
Does not support:
- Schedule K-1N, Form 1120-SN, Form 1065N, Form 1041N
- Form 2210N, Individual Underpayment of Estimated Tax, reported on Form 1040N
- Form 4797N, Special Capital Gains/Extraordinary Dividend Election and Computation
- Form NOL, NE Net Operating Loss Worksheet
- Form NFC, Statement of Nebraska Financial Institution Tax Credit
- Electronic Funds Withdrawal (EFW) Estimated Payments
Support/Help Desk
Support Web Page: 1040Now Online Tax Preparation & Electronic Filing
Computer Requirements
Any PC with internet access, web browser and Adobe Reader. Adobe Reader can be downloaded for free from the Adobe website.
Software Limitations
Does not support:
- Form 1040N-EB, Purchase of a Nebraska Residence in a Designated Extremely Blighted Area Credit
- Nebraska Schedule K-1N, Form 1120-SN, Form 1065N, or Form 1041N
- Form 1310N, Statement of Person Claiming Refund Due a Deceased Taxpayer
- Form 2210N, Individual Underpayment of Estimated Income Tax
- Form 4797N, Special Capital Gains/Extraordinary Dividend Election and Computation
- Form NFC, Statement of Nebraska Financial Institution Tax Credit
- Form 3800N, Nebraska Incentives Credit Computation for Tax Years after 2005
- Form NOL, Nebraska Net Operating Loss Worksheet
- Binary (PDF) Attachments to XML
- Electronic Funds Withdrawal (EFW) Estimated Payments
- Schedule II
- Schedule III
Support/Help Desk
Support Web Page: april | Taxpayer support & help center
Computer Requirements
Any PC with internet access, web browser and Adobe Reader. Adobe Reader can be downloaded for free from the Adobe website.
Software Limitations
Does not support:
- Form 1040N-EB, Purchase of a Nebraska Residence in a Designated Extremely Blighted Area Credit
- Nebraska Schedule K-1N, Form 1120-SN, Form 1065N, or Form 1041N
- Form 1310N, Statement of Person Claiming Refund Due a Deceased Taxpayer
- Form 4797N, Special Capital Gains/Extraordinary Dividend Election and Computation
- Form NFC, Statement of Nebraska Financial Institution Tax Credit
- Form 3800N, Nebraska Incentives Credit Computation for Tax Years after 2005
- Form NOL, Nebraska Net Operating Loss Worksheet
- Binary (PDF) Attachments to XML
- Electronic Funds Withdrawal (EFW) Estimated Payments
- Schedule II
- Schedule III
Support/Help Desk
Computer Requirements
The online software requires an internet connection with a current Web browser installed. Supported browsers include: Internet Explorer (versions 9.0 and greater), Firefox (versions 1.5 and greater), Google Chrome (versions 1 and greater), Opera (versions 11 and greater), Netscape (versions 4.7 and greater), Microsoft Edge (versions 1.0 and greater), and other common Web browsers. In your browser settings cookies and JavaScript must be enabled.
Software Limitations
Does not support:
- Form 1040N-EB, Purchase of a Nebraska Residence in a Designated Extremely Blighted Area Credit
- Nebraska Schedule K-1N, Form 1120-SN, Form 1065N, or Form 1041N
- Form 1310N, Statement of Person Claiming Refund Due a Deceased Taxpayer
- Form 4797N, Special Capital Gains/Extraordinary Dividend Election and Computation
- Form NFC, Statement of Nebraska Financial Institution Tax Credit
- Form 3800N, Nebraska Incentives Credit Computation for Tax Years after 2005
- Form NOL, Nebraska Net Operating Loss Worksheet
- Binary (PDF) Attachments to XML
- Electronic Funds Withdrawal (EFW) Estimated Payments
- Unlinked Submissions
Support/Help Desk
Visit our Web-based support form to send questions to the Express1040.com support team.
Computer Requirements
The online software requires an internet connection with a current Web browser installed. Supported browsers include: Internet Explorer (versions 9.0 and greater), Firefox (versions 1.5 and greater), Google Chrome (versions 1 and greater), Opera (versions 11 and greater), Netscape (versions 4.7 and greater), Microsoft Edge (versions 1.0 and greater), and other common Web browsers. In your browser settings cookies and JavaScript must be enabled.
Software Limitations
Does not support:
- Form 1040N-EB, Purchase of a Nebraska Residence in a Designated Extremely Blighted Area Credit
- Nebraska Schedule K-1N, Form 1120-SN, Form 1065N, or Form 1041N
- Form 1310N, Statement of Person Claiming Refund Due a Deceased Taxpayer
- Form 4797N, Special Capital Gains/Extraordinary Dividend Election and Computation
- Form NFC, Statement of Nebraska Financial Institution Tax Credit
- Form 3800N, Nebraska Incentives Credit Computation for Tax Years after 2005
- Form NOL, Nebraska Net Operating Loss Worksheet
- Binary (PDF) Attachments to XML
- Electronic Funds Withdrawal (EFW) Estimated Payments
- Schedule II
- Schedule III
Support/Help Desk
Computer Requirements
The online software requires an internet connection with a current Web browser installed. In your browser settings cookies and JavaScript must be enabled.
Software Limitations
Does not support:
- Schedule K-1N, Form 1120-SN, Form 1065N, Form 1041N
- Form 2210N, Individual Underpayment of Estimated Tax
- Form 3800N, Nebraska Incentives Credit Computation for Tax Years after 2005
- Form 4797N, Special Capital Gains/Extraordinary Dividend Election and Computation
- Form NOL, NE Net Operating Loss Worksheet
- Electronic Funds Withdrawals (EFW) Estimated Payments
Support/Help Desk
For support: fileyourtaxes.com
Computer Requirements
Any computer, tablet, or smartphone with internet access, web browser, and PDF viewer. For computers, Adobe Reader can be downloaded for free from http://get.adobe.com/reader/.
Software Limitations
Does not support:
- Form 1040N-EB, Purchase of a Nebraska Residence in a Designated Extremely Blighted Area Credit
- Form 4797N, Special Capital Gains/Extraordinary Dividend Election and Computation
- Nebraska Schedule K-1N, From 1120-SN, Form 1065N, Form 1041N
- Form 1310N, Statement of Person Claiming Refund Due a Deceased Taxpayer
- Form NFC, Statement of Nebraska Financial Institution Tax Credit
- Form NOL, Nebraska Net Operating Loss Worksheet
- Form 3800N, Nebraska Incentives Credit Computation for Tax Years after 2005
- Binary (PDF) Attachments to XML
- Electronic Funds Withdrawal (EFW) Estimated Payments.
Support/Help Desk
FreeTaxUSA® Customer Support for Federal Income Tax Return Questions
Computer Requirements
The online software requires an internet connection with a current Web browser installed. Supported browsers include: Internet Explorer (versions 9.0 and greater), Firefox (versions 1.5 and greater), Google Chrome (versions 1 and greater), Opera (versions 11 and greater), Netscape (versions 4.7 and greater), Microsoft Edge (versions 1 and greater), and other common Web browsers. In your browser settings cookies and JavaScript must be enabled.
To view and print completed tax returns, a current version of Adobe Reader or other PDF reader must be installed. Adobe Reader can be downloaded for free from the Adobe website.
Software Limitations
Does not support:
- Form 1040N-EB, Purchase of a Nebraska Residence in a Designated Extremely Blighted Area Credit
- Nebraska Schedule K-1N, Form 1120-SN, Form 1065N, Form 1041N
- Form 1310N, Statement of Person Claiming Refund Due a Deceased Taxpayer
- Form 2210N, Individual Underpayment of Estimated Tax
- Form 3800N, Nebraska Incentives Credit Computation for Tax Years after 2005
- Form 4797N, Special Capital Gains/Extraordinary Dividend Election and Computation
- Form CDN, Nebraska Community Development Assistance Act Credit Computation
- Form NFC, Statement of Nebraska Financial Institution Tax Credit
- Form NOL, Nebraska Net Operating Loss Worksheet
- Form TANF, Employer's Credit for Expenses Incurred for TANF (ADC) Recipients
- Binary (PDF) Attachments to XML
- Electronic Funds Withdrawal (EFW) Estimated Payments
- Unlinked Submissions
Tax Help, Tips, Tools & Tax Questions Answered | H&R Block
Computer Requirements
Information not provided. Check details with software company.
Software Limitations
Does not support:
- Nebraska Schedule K-1N, Form 1120-SN, Form 1065N, Form 1041N
- Form 1310N, Statement of Person Claiming Refund Due a Deceased Taxpayer
- Form 3800N, Nebraska Incentives Credit Computation for Tax Years after 2005
- Form 4797N, Special Capital Gains/Extraordinary Dividend Election and Computation
- Form NFC, Statement of Nebraska Financial Institution Tax Credit
- Form NOL, Nebraska Net Operating Loss Worksheet
- Binary (PDF) Attachments to XML
- Electronic Funds Withdrawal (EFW) Estimated Payments
- Unlinked Submissions
Support/Help Desk
Tax Support: Answers to Tax Questions | TurboTax® US Support
Computer Requirements
See the following website for product requirements:
Software Limitations
Does not support:
No limitations
Support/Help Desk
816-232-0095 and Email/Live Chat at http://olt.com/main/home/service.asp
Computer Requirements
Computer Requirements: Internet Connection 28.8 kbps or faster; one of these web browsers: Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, or Google Chrome; Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Software Limitations
Does not support:
- Form 1040N-EB, Purchase of a Nebraska Residence in a Designated Extremely Blighted Area Credit
- 1041N, Schedule K-1N
- 1065N, Schedule K-1N
- 1120-SN, Schedule K-1N
- Form 3800N Nebraska Incentives credit Computation for Tax Years after 2005
- Form CDN Nebraska Community Development Assistance Act Credit Computation
- Form NFC Statement of Nebraska Financial Institution Tax Credit
- Form NOL Nebraska Net Operating Loss Worksheet
- Form 4797N, Special Capital Gains/Extraordinary Dividend Election and Computation
- Limited Binary (PDF) Attachments to XML (allows K1s, F3800N, CDN, NFC, and NOL for Schedule I only)
Support/Help Desk
Phone: 319-373-3600
Computer Requirements
- Operating System: Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8
- Web Browser: Internet Explorer 7.0 and higher, Firefox 3.6 and higher, Google Chrome 17 and higher, Safari 5 and higher
- Operating System: Mac OS X 10.0 and higher
- Web Browser: Firefox 3.6 and higher, Safari 5 and higher, Google Chrome 17 and higher
All users:
- Your browser must be set up to accept cookies, Java, and JavaScript.
- Adobe Acrobat Reader required: Download Free Adobe Reader
- Flash Player 9 or higher required to view videos. Download Flash Player
Software Limitations
Does not support:
- Form 1040N-EB, Purchase of a Nebraska Residence in a Designated Extremely Blighted Area Credit
- Nebraska Schedule K-1N, Form 1120-SN, Form 1065N, Form 1041N
- Form 1310N, Statement of Person Claiming Refund Due a Deceased Taxpayer
- Form 4797N, Special Capital Gains/Extraordinary Dividend Election and Computation
- Form NFC, Statement of Nebraska Financial Institution Tax Credit
- Form NOL, Nebraska Net Operating Loss Worksheet
- Form 3800N, Nebraska Incentives Credit Computation for Tax Years after 2005
- Binary (PDF) Attachments to XML
- Electronic Funds Withdrawal (EFW) Estimated Payments
- Unlinked Submissions
Support/Help Desk
Use our Web-based support form to send questions to the TaxHawk.com support team.
Computer Requirements
The online software requires an internet connection with a current Web browser installed. Supported browsers include: Internet Explorer (versions 5.0 and greater), Firefox (versions 1.5 and greater), Google Chrome (versions 1 and greater), Opera (versions 11 and greater), Netscape (versions 4.7 and greater), and other common Web browsers. In your browser settings cookies and JavaScript must be enabled.
To view and print completed tax returns, a current version of Adobe Reader or other PDF reader must be installed. Adobe Reader can be downloaded for free from the Adobe website.
Software Limitations
Does not support:
- Form 1040N-EB, Purchase of a Nebraska Residence in a Designated Extremely Blighted Area Credit
- Form 3800N, Nebraska Incentives Credit Computation for Tax Years after 2005
- Form 4797N, Special Capital Gains/Extraordinary Dividend Election and Computation
- Form CDN, Nebraska Community Development Assistance Act Credit Computation
- Form NFC, Statement of Nebraska Financial Institution Tax Credit
- Form NOL, Nebraska Net Operating Loss Worksheet
- Electronic Funds Withdrawal (EFW) Estimated Payments
Support/Help Desk
Computer Requirements
Computer requirements: Windows XP/Mac OS X or later; with Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 or higher, Mozilla 3 or higher, Chrome 4 or higher, Opera 9 or higher, or Safari 5 or higher. Printer requires Adobe Acrobat Reader 6 or above, available as a free download. High-Speed Connection.
Approved Commercial E-file Software on Disk
Software Limitations
Does not support:
- Nebraska Schedule K-1N, Form 1120-SN, Form 1065N, Form 1041N
- Form 1310N, Statement of Person Claiming Refund Due a Deceased Taxpayer
- Form 2210N, Individual Underpayment of Estimated Tax
- Form 3800N, Nebraska Incentives Credit Computation for Tax Years after 2005
- Form 4797N, Special Capital Gains/Extraordinary Dividend Election and Computation
- Form CDN, Nebraska Community Development Assistance Act Credit Computation
- Form NFC, Statement of Nebraska Financial Institution Tax Credit
- Form NOL, Nebraska Net Operating Loss Worksheet
- Binary (PDF) Attachments to XML
- Electronic Funds Withdrawal (EFW) Estimated Payments
- Unlinked Submissions
Support/Help Desk
Customer Support or
Computer Requirements
Information not provided. Check details with software company.
Software Limitations
Does not support:
- Nebraska Schedule K-1N, Form 1120-SN, Form 1065N, Form 1041N
- Form 1310N, Statement of Person Claiming Refund Due a Deceased Taxpayer
- Form 3800N, Nebraska Incentives Credit Computation for Tax Years after 2005
- Form 4797N, Special Capital Gains/Extraordinary Dividend Election and Computation
- Form NFC, Statement of Nebraska Financial Institution Tax Credit
- Form NOL, Nebraska Net Operating Loss Worksheet
- Binary (PDF) Attachments to XML
- Electronic Funds Withdrawal (EFW) Estimated Payments
- Unlinked Submissions
Support/Help Desk
Computer Requirements
See the following website for product requirements:
Software Limitations
Does not support:
- Form 1040N-EB, Purchase of a Nebraska Residence in a Designated Extremely Blighted Area Credit
- 1041N, Schedule K-1N
- 1065N, Schedule K-1N
- 1120-SN, Schedule K-1N
- Form 3800N Nebraska Incentives credit Computation for Tax Years after 2005
- Form CDN Nebraska Community Development Assistance Act Credit Computation
- Form NFC Statement of Nebraska Financial Institution Tax Credit
- Form NOL Nebraska Net Operating Loss Worksheet
- Form 4797N, Special Capital Gains/Extraordinary Dividend Election and Computation
- Limited Binary (PDF) Attachments to XML (allows K1s, F3800N, CDN, NFC, and NOL for Schedule I only)
Support/Help Desk
Phone: 319-373-3600
Computer Requirements
- Operating System: Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8
- Web Browser: Internet Explorer 7.0 and higher, Firefox 3.6 and higher, Google Chrome 17 and higher, Safari 5 and higher
- Operating System: Mac OS X 10.0 and higher
- Web Browser: Firefox 3.6 and higher, Safari 5 and higher, Google Chrome 17 and higher
All users:
- Your browser must be set up to accept cookies, Java, and JavaScript.
- Adobe Acrobat Reader required: Download Free Adobe Reader
- Flash Player 9 or higher required to view videos. Download Flash Player