Tips for Identifying an Altered Pickle Card
Because altered pickle card symbols are often extremely difficult for an untrained person to detect, the Department suggests that you take the time to advise your employees of the following tips which may help them to identify an altered pickle card:
- The coloring of the same symbols on an altered pickle card may vary; symbol color should always be uniform.
- The size of the winning symbols on an altered pickle card may appear larger or smaller than the other symbols; symbol size also should be uniform.
- An altered pickle card may feel wet to the touch, either from re-gluing or from the individual purposely spilling a drink on the card to mask the wet glue.
- The edges of an altered pickle card may be out of alignment as a result of separating the card and attempting to re-glue it.
- Excess glue may be visible on the edges or between the window tabs.
- The symbols of an altered pickle card, when examined with a magnifying glass, will be composed of either horizontal lines or possibly just a fuzzy "blob" of color. This is a result of using some type of copying equipment in order to duplicate and rearrange the symbols into a winning combination. Authentic pickle card symbols should consist of either a dot matrix or cross pattern, which cannot be replicated when copied or scanned.
We suggest that you post this notice in a location where your employees can readily see and refer to it. Questions regarding altered pickle cards should be directed to:
Nebraska Department of Revenue
Charitable Gaming Division -- 402-471-5937
Toll Free -- 877-564-1315