Nebraska Property Tax Credit FAQs

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The property tax year is the calendar year the property taxes were levied. Most taxpayers pay their property taxes in the year after the taxes were levied. Taxpayers that paid the property taxes levied in 2023 during the 2024 calendar year should enter 2023 for the property tax year in the Nebraska Property Tax Look-up Tool and on the 2024 Nebraska Property Tax Credit, Form PTC.

The credit for community college property taxes paid may be claimed by completing a Nebraska Property Tax Credit, Form PTC, and submitting it with your Nebraska income tax return. Use the Nebraska Property Tax Look-up Tool to calculate the amount of community college property taxes paid. Enter the information provided by the Nebraska Property Tax Look-up Tool on Form PTC.

LB 34 enacted in the 2024 special session removed the school district property tax credit from the income tax returns effective January 1, 2024, and placed the credit directly on the property tax statements. Only community college property taxes paid in calendar year 2024 can be claimed on the 2024 income tax returns.

Credit for school district property taxes paid can only be claimed on income tax returns for tax years before 2024. If an individual failed to claim property tax credits for a prior year, they may file an Amended Nebraska Property Tax Credit, Form PTCX for that prior year.

If you already filed your 2024 individual income tax return, the credit may be claimed for community college property taxes paid in 2024 by filing a 2024 Amended Nebraska Property Tax Credit, Form PTCX. To claim a credit for qualified property taxes paid in a prior year, file the appropriate year Form PTCX. Special rules apply to taxpayers that file fiscal year returns.

You must file the Form PTC for the same tax year as the income tax return on which the credit is claimed. For example, a 2024 Form PTC must be filed with your 2024 income tax return.

School district property taxes paid after December 31, 2019, and before January 1, 2024, qualify  for the credit. 

Community college property taxes paid after December 31, 2021, qualify for the credit.

Only school district property taxes paid after December 31, 2019, and before January 1, 2024, and community college real property taxes paid after December 31, 2021, qualify for the credit. No other taxes levied qualify for the credit. Taxes paid that are not within this definition include, but are not limited to:

  • School bonds.
  • Overrides of the levy limits approved by the voters.
  • Educational service units.
Property taxes that were paid 5 years or more delinquent at the time of payment are not eligible for the Property Tax Credit. Neb. Rev. Stat. § 77-6702.

Yes. The amount paid after December 31, 2019, and before January 1, 2024, qualifies for the credit as school district property taxes.

The school district and community college property taxes levied must be reduced by a portion of the homestead exemption and the credits. The Nebraska School District Property Tax Look-up Tool will perform the calculation automatically.

The property taxes were paid to the county treasurer in 2024 when made:

  • In-person on or before January 2, 2025; 
  • Via United States mail postmarked on or before January 2, 2025; or
  • Online and processed on or before January 3, 2025. 

The property taxes were paid to the county treasurer in 2025 when made after the dates listed above. The year the above property taxes were paid is in accordance with Neb. Rev. Stat. § 49-1203.

The property taxes were paid to the county treasurer in 2023 when made:

  •  In-person on or before January 2, 2024;
  • Via United States mail postmarked on or before January 2, 2024; or
  • Online and processed on or before January 3, 2024.

The property taxes were paid to the county treasurer in 2024 when made after the dates listed, above. The year the above property taxes were paid is in accordance with Neb. Rev. Stat. § 49-1203.

The property taxes were paid to the county treasurer in 2022 when made:

  • In-person on or before January 3, 2023; 
  • Via United States mail postmarked on or before January 3, 2023; or
  • Online and processed on or before January 4, 2023. 

The property taxes were paid to the county treasurer in 2023 when made after the dates listed above. The year the above property taxes were paid is in accordance with Neb. Rev. Stat. § 49-1203.

The property taxes were paid to the county treasurer in 2021 when made:

  • In-person on or before January 3, 2022; 
  • Via United States mail postmarked on or before January 3, 2022; or
  • Online and processed on or before January 4, 2022. 

The property taxes were paid to the county treasurer in 2022 when made after the dates listed above. The year the above property taxes were paid is in accordance with Neb. Rev. Stat. § 49-1203.

The school district and community college property tax credits will be included in Nebraska taxable income if it is included in federal adjusted gross income or federal taxable income. Please contact the IRS about the taxation of this credit.

Only the person or entity that paid the property tax to the county treasurer may receive the credit.

The taxpayer that paid the property tax on the parcel may claim the credit. The property tax is paid when received by the county treasurer. Enter the amount of property taxes you paid in the Nebraska Property Tax Look-up Tool to calculate the community college property taxes you paid. Parcel sales in Douglas and Sarpy counties may be treated differently. If the property was bought or sold in Douglas and/or Sarpy County, please see example 2. 

Example 1: A parcel is sold on May 1, 2024. The seller paid the following property taxes:

  •  $1,203 of the 2023 property tax was paid to the county treasurer on April 1, 2024;
  •  $1,203 of the 2023 property tax was funded at closing and paid to the county treasurer in 2024; and
  • $798 of the 2024 property taxes was funded at closing (January 1, 2024 – May 1, 2024) and paid to the county treasurer in 2025.

The buyer paid $1,605 of 2024 property tax to the county treasurer in 2025.

The seller paid all the 2023 property taxes in 2024. The seller may claim a credit for the 2023 community college property taxes on the 2024 income tax return (enter $2,406 in the Nebraska Property Tax Look-up Tool). The seller paid part of the 2024 property taxes in 2025. The seller may claim a credit for the related community college property taxes on the 2025 income tax return in proportion to the amount of the property tax funded for 2024 at closing (enter $798 in the Nebraska Property Tax Look-up Tool). The buyer did not pay any 2023 property tax. The buyer cannot claim a credit for any 2023 school district or community college property taxes. The buyer paid part of the 2024 property taxes, but they were not paid to the county treasurer until 2025. The buyer may claim a credit for the related community college property taxes on the 2025 income tax return in proportion to the amount of the property tax paid in 2025 (enter $1,605 in the Nebraska Property Tax Look-up Tool). 

Example 2: An individual sold a parcel located in Douglas County on October 9, 2024. The Douglas County Treasurer’s records show that the 2023 property tax was paid in two installments ($4,738.57 on 4/1/2024 and $4,738.57 on 7/1/2024). The seller paid all the 2023 community college property taxes to the Douglas County Treasurer (enter $9,477 in the Nebraska Property Tax Look-up Tool). The seller may claim the credit on the 2023 community college property taxes paid on the 2024 income tax return, because the tax was paid to the Douglas County Treasurer. At closing, the buyer reimbursed the seller $2,175.08 of the 2023 property tax the seller already paid to the county. The buyer cannot claim the credit for any of the 2023 property tax, because the tax had already been paid to the Douglas County Treasurer prior to closing. The reimbursement shown on the closing statement does not change who can claim the credit when the tax is remitted to the county treasurer prior to the closing.

The person or entity that paid the property tax to the county treasurer may claim the credit. If the lessee paid the county treasurer, the lessee may claim the credit. If the lessor paid the county treasurer, the lessor may claim the credit.

Yes. A pass-through entity may claim a credit for the school district property tax it paid for tax years beginning on and after January 1, 2021, and before January 1, 2024, and a credit for community college property taxes it paid for tax years beginning on and after January 1, 2022. The owners of the pass-through entity cannot claim the credits for any property taxes paid by the passthrough entity on or after January 1, 2021. 

The credit for the entity includes the credit computed on the school district and community college property taxes paid during the year covered by the return. Different rules may apply to fiscal year and short-year returns.

Yes. The nonresident individual must file a Nebraska Individual Income Tax Return, Form 1040N, and Form PTC. Both forms are required even if the nonresident individual would otherwise not have a Nebraska filing requirement.

A fiscal year taxpayer will complete the Form PTC for the school district and community college property taxes paid during the calendar year in which its fiscal year begins. 

Example: A taxpayer’s fiscal year begins April 1, 2024, and ends March 31, 2025, The taxpayer paid all $10,550 of the 2023 property tax in two installments. The county treasurer received the first payment on March 27, 2024, and the second payment on July 28, 2024. The taxpayer may claim a credit for the related community college property taxes paid in the 2024 calendar year on its 2024 income tax return. The Nebraska Property Tax Look-up Tool will indicate the allowable community college property taxes paid that may be claimed on the 2024 income tax return.

The owner of the LLC will complete Part A and Part B of Form PTC. The LLC is not required to file a Nebraska income tax return or complete Form PTC.

Tax-exempt corporations must file a Nebraska Corporation Income Tax Return, Form 1120N, and Form PTC. Tax-exempt trusts must file a Nebraska Fiduciary Income Tax Return, Form 1041N, and Form PTC.

No, the Amended Nebraska Property Tax Credit, Form PTCX is only for Individual Income Tax Returns. If you did not claim the property tax credits on your C-corporation, S-corporation, trust, partnership, or financial institution return you must file an amended return to claim the credits.

The individual that paid the property tax to the county treasurer from a separate bank account may properly claim the credit. If payment was made from a joint bank or escrow account, then the credit may be split between the individuals based on:

  • A divorce decree;
  • An agreement between the individuals;
  • An even division; or
  • Any other method that fairly represents each individual’s contribution to the payment.

If excess credits are claimed, both individuals may be required to provide information to DOR supporting the credit they claimed.

No, the school district property and community college taxes used for the redevelopment project are eligible for the credit. The Nebraska School District Property Tax Look-up Tool will automatically compute the school district and community college property taxes paid on parcels with TIF.